Monday, January 31, 2011

Snack attack

Since I started Weight Watchers, there are two things I find myself reaching for between meals: fruit and popcorn.

Fruit -- which is now 0 PointsPlus on the new eating plan, is always my first option. I always have it at the ready -- either grapes, apple or bananas, which I can just pop in my mouth. If I am not famished, I'll take the time to peel an orange or grapefruit.

The point is, I always have fruit in the fridge, which is usually all I need to tame my hunger.

But sometimes, fruit just doesn't cut it. That's when I break out the Jolly Time popcorn, which already has aligned its packages to reflect the new PointsPlus. And because I really have to like the food I eat, I bought three different types of Jolly Time, all with 1 PointsPlus per bag. The kettle corn was the first one I tried, and it was just a tad too sweet for me. Plus, it was a mini bag. The buttery flavor Jolly Time was good, but again, it was a mini bag. The third box I opened was plain old air popped Jolly Time, and imagine my surprise when the bag was more than double the size of the mini bags. I ate with gusto, and by the time I finished this treat, I was more than sated.

What was missing was the stomach lump I used to have when I would inhale a bag of pretzels in one sitting.

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