Monday, September 20, 2010

I did it!

Last Wednesday I wrote about how I was not exercising Monday and Tuesday, and decided on a plan to get up and moving. I did it, although I didn't follow my directions exactly. Sort of took a little detour.

I vowed to set my alarm for 5 a.m., and instead of hitting the snooze alarm, I would plant my feet on the side of the bed.

The alarm went off, and I didn't hit the snooze alarm. Instead, I reset it for 7. I have been feeling really horrid this weekend, and decided a few extra hours of sleep is what I needed. Five minutes later, guilt-ridden, I turned the alarm off, got on my exercise clothes, and walked 30 minutes with Leslie Sansone and her posse. And yes, I feel better than I would have if I had stayed in bed. Mentally, I am really proud of myself. And tomorrow, when the alarm goes off and I start playing my mental games (because I know I will), I will remember this morning, remind myself that 30 minutes really goes so quickly, and get my belly-fat bloated body out of bed.

'Nough said.

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